
Starbucks and Nut Allergies

Starbucks is a common stop for us.  Grownups love it, kids love it and what is a better way to deal with YET MORE SNOW IN WISCONSIN than a nice warm cup of coffee or tea?! Literally, I have no words for April snow. I mean, COME ON! When we were first diagnosed with nut allergies, we avoided Starbucks completely. However, that’s no way to live life {coffee deprived, are you KIDDING me?! Also known as Mean Mommy!}. Once we figured out how to navigate the Starbucks menu a bit, we learned that our favorite treat was no longer completely off limits. If you follow me in Instagram @nutfreemomblog, you’ve…


Quick little post here – last night I grabbed a holiday tall,non-fat peppermint mocha, full whip – when out of the corner of my eye I spied a little Starbucks Gingerbread House + Cookies! Both appear to be 100% nut-free. I called Starbucks corporate office today and they also confirmed the label, stating no nuts or cross contamination. The peeps at Starbucks didn’t seem completely knowledgeable about food allergies, so that was a little concerning to me. However, when I talked with my #1 Mom/Food Allergy friend, she agreed that it was probably safe since Starbucks is actually really, really good about labeling cookies, mints, etc. Have you looked at…