
Mickey’s “Not-So-Spooky-Halloween-Party” Review

Hello friends! Last week we attended the Not-So-Spooky-Halloween-Party at Magic Kingdom in Orlando, FL. Why did we attend this party? We heard that it was being sponsored by Enjoy Life, a brand that is allergy friendly, and one that we trust daily for nut free snacks. Having an allergy friendly Trick-or-Treat option was a real draw for us since Trick-or-Treat is notoriously challenging. Most of the treats Chloe recieves trick-or-treating are not safe, and we end up donating her entire bucket of candy. As a parent, this is such a hard thing to watch, an excited trick-or-treat face, to a sad smile of having to let it all go. Not-So-Spooky…

Mickey’s Not-So-Spooky Halloween Party

Our magic bands are active, the fast passes have been seleced, our mail hold is complete and our countdown to Mickey + friends is officially ON! We couldn’t be more excited! We have Mickey’s Not-So-Spooky Halloween Party (MNSSHP) to look forward to! We LOVE Halloween, especially my littlest dude, Carter. He loves all things scary – he read Goosebumbs books at the age of 5 and was thrilled with the movie! MNSSHP is going to be perfect blend of fun, and allergy friendly loveliness. “Sorry, I have food allergies,” is typically what Chloe has to say each October 31 when we are trick-or-treating. Thank goodness for FARE’s Teal Pumpking Project…