
Chipotle Chicken Bowls

The end of the school year is quickly approaching and I feel like my organizational skills are in a downward spiral. Food menu planning is sporadic at best, our calendars are jammed full of activities, get-togethers, parties, volunteer activities, the list goes on. All fun stuff, just a lot all at once. This week my body has been mad at me for having so much going on – and I could tell. I’ve had a dull headache for two days that turned into a full blown migraine late last night that kept me awake until 3am.  I haven’t been eating right, I’ve been working out too hard, too fast, and…

Weeknight Chicken Wraps

My Instagram has this weeks menu posted if you need some weeknight meal inspiration! Quick and easy stuff! The Chicken Wraps are a new favorite – we recently had them at a St.Patrick’s Day party and they were a (surprise to me!) huge hit with the kids, too. I’m so grateful for these two mamma friends in my life – the three of us have been friends since our girls were born 6 years ago. They know our nut allergies so well, and always do such a wonderful job of talking about food and labels in advance of our get-togethers. Sometimes, it is almost like they are reading my mind…